Energy. Proximity. SuccesS.
The Polymer Alliance Zone of West Virginia has one of the highest concentrations of specialty and engineering polymers production in the United States. The Polymer Alliance Zone of West Virginia has access to the lowest natural gas prices in the developed world from the Marcellus and Utica Shale formations. In addition, the seven West Virginia counties comprising the Polymer Alliance Zone are within 700 miles of more than two-thirds of the nation’s domestic market for polyethylene and polypropylene production.
An abundant supply of low-cost natural gas and NGL’s combined with proximity to markets translates into enhanced profit potential for polymer companies operating in the Polymer Alliance Zone. In fact, IHS Markit, an internationally recognized consulting firm, recently illustrated a petrochemical complex built in the Shale Crescent USA Region (WV, OH, and PA) would realize a Net Present Value four times higher than a similar investment in the Gulf Coast.
and grow your business and profitability.